The incompleteness theorem comes into play in the information space at the point where it is asserted that ‘the past is completely irrelevant’. So,
it means that ‘nothing is irrelevant’. This means that the past is relevant, but since this world disappears and is copied and reappears Planck time (10^43 times per second), it falls into an
infinite loop. In order to escape from this, it is necessary to set a temporary goal, such as the ‘Parable of the City of the Transformation’ in Buddhism. Then, we escape from the strong
gravitational field. For this purpose, we use the temporary goal of ‘the past is irrelevant’.
The incompleteness theorem and the uncertainty principle also come into play when setting goals, so even if you set a goal, there is nothing absolute, and it is not always the case that the
future will turn out as you have planned. However, because the observer effect comes into play, you will be led in a certain direction. You should try to find the moment when the observer effect
and the direction of life evolution in the universe coincide. Then, the cosmic coach (oracle) will smile between dimensions, and a paradigm shift and miracle will occur. In history, those who have achieved this naturally are the Buddha in India and Kukai in Japan in Buddhism, and Jesus in Christianity. The golden ratio and
sacred geometry have been used in the architecture of Buddhist temples and five-storied pagodas that enshrine the Buddha, and churches where people pray to Jesus. This was to serve as a device
that could instantly change people's consciousness, and thus the world, into another world through the power of the place.
Throughout history, the elite have used all kinds of methods to brainwash the general public so that they are unaware of their infinite power. They have implanted the exact opposite into the
general public, and have restricted their behaviour through fear and anxiety. Now that cyberspace and human cognitive space have become one, it is even easier to be brainwashed. That is why we
can say that genuine coaching is now needed all over the world. But it is something that goes beyond the boundaries of coaching. One day, the
future geniuses may change the name of coaching.